Paying for a minecraft account mac
Paying for a minecraft account mac

paying for a minecraft account mac

Protecting your virtual objects from theft seems like an important enough reason to prompt a change, but it didn’t until now. Mojang says that it was easier to use Microsoft accounts to offer these new features rather than create them from scratch, but if they’re so important to offer in the first place, why did they take so long to arrive? Players have requested two-factor authentication for as long as the game has offered a place to buy and sell content - that’s three years, if you’re counting. The added suffix might become more common as there’s likely less names to choose from, especially given the eight years console players have had to snap them up. Names that don’t meet Microsoft’s safety guidelines will also have to change. minecraftfan #1734) or choose a new one to log-in with. In support articles addressing the change, Mojang is clear that your username won’t be affected in-game, but if someone is already using your name as a Gamertag you’ll have to accept the addition of a suffix at the end (e.g. The video also doesn’t mention something that might bother players: usernames for Java Edition could change. For anyone worried, the video is reassuring about the compatibility of user-generated content and multiplayer, but it makes some big assumptions about how positively you’ll feel.

Paying for a minecraft account mac